Università degli Studi di Pavia - unipv.it

Indirizzo laboratorio V.le Taramelli, 12 - 27100 Pavia (IT)

Nanomateriali e Medicina Rigenerativa - Il Sole 24 Ore


The italian Magazine il Sole 24 Ore pubblished a great article on our efforts as leaders of the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks project "NANOREMEDI: Functional Nano-Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine". 

The mission of NanoReMedi is to define a joint doctorate educational training model in Functional Nano-Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine where Academia and Industry join their forces to: 

– Create a highly innovative research network for training a new generation of researchers who will enter the area of       nanoscience from adjacent disciplines (such as chemistry, material sciences and bioinformatics).

– Establish a solid framework for long-term research cooperation between a pool of leading Universities and Enterprises.

– Build a solid foundation for long-term European excellence in medical nanotechnology.


Published in the magazine Il Sole 24 Ore - 20 December 2023 – N.350.


To find out more about NanoReMedi, please visit the official webpage (Link)